Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 21.02.2022 15:24:03 Uhr 26.10.2024 21:51:23 Uhr

Tree maintenance / felling

Tree maintenance, felling

The removal, substantial crown-cutting and relocation of protected trees and shrubs requires the approval of the Environmental Agency (Umweltamt). You can access the Charter for the Protection of Trees and Shrubs (Gehölzschutzsatzung) – and a leaflet on tree protection law – below. Approval is required – and applications must be made (now with the new ID card with electronic signature, see below) – in the following cases:

  • Properties without buildings: The Charter fully applies here. It protects deciduous trees, conifers, walnut trees and roadside fruit trees with a trunk circumference of 30 cm and above, measured 1 m from the ground; fruit trees measuring 60 cm and thicker; certain hedges, large shrubs and climbing trees.
  • Properties with buildings, and communal spaces in allotments: The Charter protects deciduous trees with a trunk circumference of over 1 m, and the other hedges, large shrubs and climbing trees contained therein. It does not protect fruit trees, poplars, birches, willows, dead trees or conifers. These trees are only protected if they house protected climbing trees, or if other regulations apply (see leaflet on tree protection law below).

Legal basis

Charter of the State Capital of Dresden for the Protection of Trees and Other Precious Shrubs (Gehölzschutzsatzung), see link under “Legal basis” below.
Legal change as of 19 October 2010: Following a change to the legal basis, the Gehölzschutzsatzung now only partially applies to properties with buildings. The protection offered by the Gehölzschutzsatzung for allotment plots has been completely repealed.
IMPORTANT: The protection regulations contained in other laws remain unaffected and must still be observed. Property owners now have more responsibility as a result. The leaflet on tree protection law provides an overview (see below).
If you have any questions about roadside trees, please contact the responsible department (Straßenbäume) at the Office for Green Urban Areas and Waste Management (Amt für Stadtgrün und Abfallwirtschaft).
Attention must be paid to protected animals when maintaining and felling trees (see below).
Attention must be paid to the protection period applicable to all trees and shrubs (1 March to 30 September every year), as outlined in Section 39 (5) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz). Other applicable conservation regulations must also be observed (e.g. breeding holes, nests, etc.).

Protected trees and shrubs during the planning permission process

When planning a construction project, a statement on protected tree populations must be submitted alongside the construction application and/or documents for approval.
The constructor and drafter must use this statement to confirm that:

  1. There are no protected trees or shrubs on the building site; or
  2. All protected trees and shrubs on the building site and within a 5-metre radius are presented in the building documents.

You can find the corresponding form and other leaflets on tree protection during construction projects below.


The experts at the Umweltamt can provide you with free advice on several issues related to trees, shrubs and the Gehölzschutzsatzung (e.g. recommended tree and shrub varieties, site suitability, range of species, storm safety, neighbourhood issues, and lots more) and even offer site visits (see leaflets below).

Choosing the right tree species

Trees and shrubs have developed stable natural cycles with other plants and animals over the centuries.
Non-indigenous trees and shrubs often play no significant role in this network; in fact, they can even have a disruptive influence. Consideration should also be given to local conditions like floor fixings, house and land sizes, pipelines and lighting, and the expected sizes of the respective trees and shrubs.
As such, the trees and shrubs chosen should also match the location (see leaflets below).

Roadside trees

The maintenance and care of roadside trees is regulated by the department for Service Management / Allotment Allocation ~ Roadside Trees (Leistungsmanagement / Vergabe Grün ~ Straßenbäume) at the Office for Green Urban Areas and Waste Management (Amt für Stadtgrün und Abfallwirtschaft).
Landscape planning in connection with street reconstructions is regulated by the department for Planning, Drafting and New Constructions (Planung, Entwurf, Neubau) at the Amt für Stadtgrün und Abfallwirtschaft.
If you are interested in sponsoring a tree or donating money towards the city’s green areas, you can do so through FONDS STADTGRÜN. Please get in touch with the Amt für Stadtgrün und Abfallwirtschaft.
Please refer to the current Privacy Statement of the State Capital of Dresden.

Legal basis

Privacy Statement of the State Capital of Dresden

Charter of the State Capital of Dresden for the Protection of Trees and Other Precious Shrubs (Gehölzschutzsatzung)
(Legal change as of 19 October 2010: Following a change to the legal basis, the Gehölzschutzsatzung now only partially applies to properties with buildings. The protection regulations contained in other laws remain unaffected and must still be observed. The leaflet on tree protection law provides an overview).