Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 16.05.2019 13:22:42 Uhr 12.02.2025 09:14:16 Uhr


In public areas, i.e. streets, squares and generally accessible green and recreational areas, barbecues and the use of open flames is generally only permitted on the public barbecue sites or the five campfire sites on the Elbe, which require a permit and a fee.

In addition to the requirements of the landscape conservation area, these sites – and on private properties – are subject to the legal requirements for emission control and the Recycling and Waste Management Act. It must be ensured that neighbours are not disturbed by smoke gas. Burning waste of any kind that should be disposed of is prohibited by law. This constitutes an administrative offence and may be punishable with a fine.

The provisions of the state capital’s police regulations must be complied with, notably paragraphs 3 and 4 (conserving quiet nights, using acoustic devices). Section 13 of the police regulations also governs barbecues and campfires in private and public areas. Barbecues and campfires in private areas do not require a permit if the aforementioned environmental protection requirements and mutual consideration are complied with. Exceptions to this are private areas in protected areas according to conservation law (you will find an overview city’s topic map under ‘environment’). Here campfires must be applied for at the environment agency, nature conservation and agriculture office.

Online campfire Registration

