Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 03.05.2021 15:17:37 Uhr 26.10.2024 21:51:41 Uhr

Environmental protection

There can be scarcely any other major city which is embedded in such a richly varied landscape as Dresden. The coincidence of different geological forms has given rise to a multitude of landscapes, which are in turn determining factors for the character of the city.

The people of Dresden are fully aware of this natural treasure, and have for centuries strived to integrate urban development as harmoniously as possible, and to preserve the wealth which its special natural setting represents.

The Environment Office of the City of Dresden is responsible for preservation and improvement of the natural environment, but at the same time also for protecting the population from negative influences which could otherwise emanate from this environment.

A great deal has already been achieved. Pollution of the soil and groundwater has been rectified, and streams have been liberated from waste water and returned to their natural state. The Elbe meadows and other important natural areas and monuments have been placed under protection orders.

Building has deliberately been prevented on extensive areas of land on the outskirts of Dresden which are known to function as sources and corridors for fresh air-flows for the city. In this way, it is ensured that a cooling breeze is still able to reach the city centre even on hot summer days. The air in Dresden is considerably cleaner than in many other large cities - not least thanks to its efficient energy generation and the high proportion of district heating.

As a member of the climate alliance, Dresden acknowledges its global responsibility and is sparing no effort to cut its emissions of carbon dioxide by half by 2010.

As the authority responsible for nature conservation, the Environment Office attaches great importance to preservation of the diverse protected biotopes, which not only serve as refuge for rare plants and animals, but also represent important areas of peaceful recreation for the urban population.
It must  be counted a great success of the efforts to protect rare species, that even endangered species - such as the beaver or corn crake - are to be found living in the middle of Dresden.

The Environment Office, as the designated local authority for water pollution control, soil protection, waste disposal, nature conservation and immission control, is responsible not only for issuing permits and for monitoring compliance with regulations, but also for providing corresponding advice to those applying for permits.

With regular environment reports, the qualified maps contained in the so-called Environment Atlas and topical individual publications, the Environment Office is a source of comprehensive information.


City of Dresden
City Department for Economic Affairs
Environment Office

Visitor address

Office Centre "Pirnaisches Tor"
Grunaer Strasse 2
01069 Dresden
1st floor, N 105

Interactive City Map

Phone +49-(0)351-4886201
Fax +49-(0)351-488996203

Postal address

Postfach 12 00 20
01001 Dresden