Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 21.10.2016 13:56:37 Uhr 26.10.2024 21:50:44 Uhr

Dresden Frauenkirche

Ruins are warning reminders.
But there comes a time when images of past destruction no longer seem to fit into the picture of a forward-looking city - as was the case, for example. with the Dresden Frauenkirche.

For decades, the ruins of the church stood out from an enormous mound of rubble, as a painful reminder of Dresden's fateful night in February 1945.

Reconsecration celebrations from 30.10. to 01.11.2005

On the last Sunday of October 2005, the bells of the Frauenkirche rang out to announce the festive reconsecration service. This was at the same time a start signal for a three-day celebration with organ recitals and special church services.

The reconsecration was followed by a longer festive period, with an endless string of magnificent events, including a series of splendid concerts.

Full reports and information on the reconsecration can be found on the Internet pages of the Dresden Frauenkirche Foundation


The Dresden Frauenkirche, a masterpiece of European architecture, was a central element of the city centre skyline for over 200 years. The devastating bombing raids on Dresden in February 1945, however, were too much for even this impressive construction.

Reconstruction of the Frauenkirche

Dresden's citizens never lost the hope that the once monumental church would one day rise from its ruins. It was a troubled path they followed, faced with repeated controversy, but their dream eventually came true.

On 13th February 1990, a citizen's initiative for the Dresden Frauenkirche issued a »Call from Dresden«, and soon experienced worldwide public support.

Magnet for visitors

On 27th May 1994, at last, the work could begin: The first stone was placed on the cleared remains of the original church. As time went by, the Dresden Frauenkirche grew and grew, under a gigantic weather canopy. It was a magnet for visitors to the city at every phase of the reconstruction - quite irrespective of all the safety fences, protective awnings and scaffolding.

Contributions from all over the world

In time for the 800-year city jubilee in 2006, the Frauenkirche shone out once more in its unique Baroque beauty, and refilled the disturbing gap in the city's famous skyline. The reconstruction was financed almost exclusively through donations.