Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 06.12.2017 08:48:53 Uhr 14.01.2025 06:50:12 Uhr

Integration and Foreigners’ Commissioner

The duties and responsibilities of the Integration and Foreigners' Commissioner are derived mainly from paragraph 3 section 3 of the German Basic Law and from paragraph 18 section 3 of the Saxon Constitution where it is stipulated that "Nobody is to be discriminated against or privileged on account of gender, nationality, race, language, native country, origin, beliefs, religious or political views."

The objective of the Integration and Foreigners' Commissioner's work is to promote the integration of people with a migration background at the municipal level as well as helping to reduce existing structural and individual forms of discrimination.

The following belong to the duties and responsibilities of the Integration and Foreigners' Commissioner:

  • promoting public awareness for the integration of people with a migration background through events, seminars, public relations, activities, information, brochures
  • analysing the actual living conditions in Dresden of women and men with a migration background with the help of regularly published situational reports
  • reducing existing and preventing future forms of discrimination with projects and discussions about the municipal situation
  • assuring equal opportunity for people with a migration background when it comes to municipal decisions regarding work, health, education, family, culture, city planning, politics and the complete social environment by
    • exercising influence in relevant boards and committees
    • working together with the migrants' advisory council
    • putting forward requests and demands leading to better integration policies
    • reviewing the city council's guidelines and publishing statements
  • working with city councillors, unions, organisations and associations
  • supervising and monitoring the work of municipal offices pertaining to the integration of people with a migration background
  • advising in individual cases women and men with a migration background
  • supporting activities of associations and organisations
  • supporting intercultural efforts among girls and boys
  • developing and supervising the implementation and update of the municipal integration concept


City of Dresden

Integration and Foreigners’ Commissioner
Kristina Winkler

Visitor address

City Hall
Dr.-Külz-Ring 19
01067 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Phone +49-(0)351-4882131

Postal address

Postfach 120020
01001 Dresden

Opening hours

by appointment

