Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 21.10.2016 14:12:42 Uhr 15.02.2025 23:29:03 Uhr

Dresden Sports School Centre

The new sports school centre in Dresden's Ostragehege Sports Park opened on 3rd September 2007, punctually for the beginning of the new school year 2007/2008, and currently caters for around 730 pupils. Located alongside the Dresden exhibition centre, it comprises three sections: the Sports Grammar School, the Sports Secondary School and a boarding house. The direct proximity of training facilities and accommodation ensures optimum conditions for the pupils of the two "elite sports schools". The busy days combining training, school lessons and homework are at least not lengthened unnecessarily by long travelling times. For the pupils staying in the boarding house, in particular, all the important facilities are close at hand.

Immediately alongside the new school buildings, the Ostragehege Sports Park offers the young athletes a broad diversity of training possibilities. With the new ice and ball sports centre, the DSC hall, and further improvements to existing facilities, the park can point to a unique choice of sporting activities.

The Dresden Sports School Centre currently provides training for 12 key competitive sports: Volleyball (girls), diving, rowing, speed skating, short-track skating, canoe racing, chess, figure skating, track and field athletics, swimming, soccer and ice hockey.

Prerequisites for admission to one of the two sports schools are a recommendation from the regional association for the sport practised by the prospective pupil, and proof of compliance with the general admission criteria applicable in Saxony for the school type in question.

The basis for recommendations is regular and competitively oriented training in a corresponding club or association.

Beside their concentration on sport, the pupils also receive appropriate support and promotion in all other subjects of the general curriculum - also beyond the regular timetable. The sports lessons which are stipulated in normal teaching plans are supplemented with four further hours of advanced sports teaching. Sport is naturally also a specialisation subject for all pupils within the framework of the 11th and 12th grade course system.

The affiliated boarding house offers accommodation for up to 100 pupils. Four places are specially equipped for pupils with disabilities. The five buildings comprise 54 single and 23 double rooms, arranged in residential groups of 4 to 6 pupils each. The pupils of a group share a kitchenette, toilets and showers. Each room is provided with a telephone and Internet connection, and pupils can also use a laundrette, a drying room and cycle storage. The boarding house stays open all year round, including the weekends and holiday periods, to enable the resident pupils to continue their training and preparations for competitions. Eleven teachers look after the pupils. Their common room is similarly integrated into the restored building complex originally created by famous Dresden architect Hans Erlwein, as are also the administrative offices of the boarding house.

Dresden Sports School Centre

Sports School Centre Coordinator
Gunnar Krisch

Visitor address

Messering 2a
01067 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Phone +49-(0)351-4882886 oder +49-(0)351-4842922
Fax +49-(0)351-4882887
email E-Mail

Postal address

Postfach 12 00 20
01001 Dresden

Further information

The following links provide further information on the two "elite sports schools" in Dresden, the Sports Grammar School and the Sports Secondary School, including, for example, the admission criteria and sports successes.

Sports Grammar School

Sports Secondary School

