Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 21.06.2024 12:19:03 Uhr 27.07.2024 04:23:53 Uhr

Tomorrow's Home

Dresden as a centre for science and business

Welcome to Dresden – tomorrow’s home for business, science and quality of life.

A place where innovative ideas grow into successful projects and products of the future. First-class research and development are closely intertwined here – and benefit from the outstanding factors that make the dynamic state capital the city it is.

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Dresden Ambassadors

In Dresden, many young talents are working to shape our future in a sustainable way. Because whether for universities or companies: Dresden is a hotspot for greentech. But you can not only work in innovative industries here, you can also enjoy a relaxed evening after work. The Dresden Ambassadors show what the city has to offer.

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Dresden Ambassadors Episode 1: Lisa makes lightweight construction recyclable

Lisa Dahrmann researches the recycling potential of lightweight materials at the Institute for Lightweight Construction and Plastics Technology (ILK) at TU Dresden and takes us around the city on her cargo bike.

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Dresden Ambassadors Episode 2: Setting the stage for sustainability

Leopold from the Dresden University of Fine Arts researches recyclable stage sets and takes us behind the scenes. Every play needs a set - but much of the decoration ends up in the rubbish when the season is over. Cardboard instead of plastic, corn instead of foam: thanks to modern production methods, more and more sustainable materials are finding their way onto the stage. In Dresden, art and high-tech go hand in hand!

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Dresden Ambassadors Episode 3: Science, but make it excellent

Kaori Nakashima works in science communication at the Physics of Life (PoL) Cluster of Excellence - and is at home in Dresden. In the city, scientists not only work at different universities, but also come together from different disciplines and pool their expertise in clusters of excellence. Kaori introduces us to one of these clusters in this episode of Dresden Ambassadors. In the "Physics of Life" cluster of excellence, interdisciplinary research is carried out between physics and biology.

Cutting-edge research

Did you know that filter paper, bras and toothpaste were all invented in Dresden? Along with many other ideas that have improved the lives of people all over the world. Because the spirit of invention runs deep in this city. Today, it is the many universities and research institutes that are responsible for many fantastic new ideas. Whether it be mobile communications, artificial intelligence, microelectronics, smart materials or e-mobility, this startup city is laying the foundations for innovative solutions to kick-start their worldwide career in Dresden.

The research being conducted by the Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden), driven by leading national and international scientists, is setting trends for social and global challenges. It is the only university in central Germany to be classified as a university of excellence. Through its faculties and professorships, it pools scientific expertise in the region and beyond, making a key contribution to Dresden’s innovative strength, and ensuring it becomes an important partner for research institutes and businesses within Germany and abroad.

A number of startups and uni spin-offs are using their new products to shape the future. The pioneering spirit is palpable – and visible – for businesses based here: With over 100 registered proprietary rights a year, the TU Dresden holds one of the largest numbers of patents of any university in Germany. And yet it is just one of several prestigious scientific addresses in Dresden.

Know-how in the business hub that is Dresden

Playseat testing at the CeTI (TU Dresden)
Playseat testing at the CeTI (TU Dresden)

Dresden is a changing city. New ideas and innovative products are quickly promoted here among major players, SMEs and startups. And its future-oriented economic structure is key to its strong evolution. Products from the fields of robotics, the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence, 5G mobile communications, life sciences and sustainability are all developed here for national and international customers.

Dresden’s particular strength lies in microelectronics and nanotechnology. The Saxon state capital is Europe’s largest microelectronics hub. Did you know that every third EU-made microchip for Smartphones and cars comes from Dresden? Europe’s largest industry network for the semi-conductor and microsystems industry is also based here in the form of Silicon Saxony.

Life on the Elbe

Piano night at the Elbe river
Piano night at the Elbe river

But it’s not just knowledge and business that are breaking new ground here. Above all, Dresden is a city offering outstanding quality of life. Its architecture, nature and cultural heritage are well known – and loved – by people all over the world. The Semperoper, Frauenkirche and Saxon Switzerland attract over six million tourists to Dresden and surrounds every year.

The vibrant art and cultural scene is omnipresent. The Dresden State Art Collections are the oldest and second largest museum group in Germany. The Green Vault (Grünes Gewölbe) and Old Masters Picture Gallery are among the most renowned collections on the planet. World-class art is well and truly at home in Dresden.

Dresden locals and businesses enjoy quick access to all the city’s facilities, good transport connections, and a central location in the heart of Europe. The public transport system like trains and  buses ensure lush greenery in a short ride away – indeed often just around the corner. Because green spaces and woodland make up 70 percent of the city.

Another plus underlining Dresden’s sustainability is the fact that the city has for years had one of the highest birth rates in Germany. Dresden is tomorrow’s home – including for future generations.

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Visitor address

World Trade Center Dresden
Ammonstraße 74
01067 Dresden

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