Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 25.06.2015 09:53:30 Uhr 06.02.2025 17:25:20 Uhr |
The Electors and Kings of Saxony were enthusiastic collectors of art and acquired art treasures of immeasurable value over the course of the centuries.
With his Electoral collection of cabinet pieces, Elector Augustus laid the foundation for the original collection in Dresden, which was counted among the most remarkable sights in Europe as early as the 17th century.
So rapidly did the collectibles grow in number and variety that special museums were founded as long ago as the 18th century.
Thanks to the collections, state-owned since 1924, Dresden is one of the most important museum cities in Europe today.
The best-known museum of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden is certainly the Old Masters Picture Gallery in the Semper museum building adjoining the Zwinger, where the most famous painting is Raffael's Sistine Madonna.
The New Masters Picture Gallery in the Albertinum building on Brühl's Terrace holds important works from the Romantic period to the present day. After reconstruction measures, the new Albertinum was reopened in June 2010.
The new and the historical Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault), the widely known, most valuable German collection of more than 3,000 works of applied arts are housed in the Residenzschloss.
Marvel - Learn - Try out is the motto at the German Hygiene Museum, Europe's only science museum to focus on the human being and body within the context of the environment and society, culture and science. The children's museum offers an interactive show on the human senses.
Furthermore there is the Dresden City Museum with an exhibition concerning Dresden`s history and several changing art exhibitions. The subjects of the 37 Dresden museums range from civic history to military history, from the Technical Collections (Technische Sammlungen) to the Book Museum.
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