Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 30.09.2019 14:45:19 Uhr 19.02.2025 16:28:32 Uhr

Cultural Development Plan

The Cultural Development Plan of the city of Dresden describes important goals and perspectives for Dresden's cultural future. It was first adopted by the Dresden City Council in 2008.

Since 2016, the cultural administration has been working together with creative professionals, institutions, associations and citizens on a new Cultural Development Plan. Dresden's residents and their cultural concerns had their say in nine neighbourhood-related citizens' forums. At the same time, expert forums were held on special topics such as social change, digitisation, inclusion and the development of individual artistic disciplines such as literature, media art and the performing arts. The "Fair in Dresden" (information in german) strategy for the further development of Dresden's cultural promotion also emerged from this process.

The cultural administration is currently developing the text for the next cultural development plan and thus for the cultural strategy of the coming decade. The themes of this cultural strategy form the framework for Dresden's bid for the title "European Capital of Culture 2025". The new cultural development plan is to be discussed and adopted by the City Council by 2020.

