Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 29.05.2019 11:47:33 Uhr 13.02.2025 03:38:48 Uhr

Blocks on disclosing and transferring information

Blocks on transferring information

The registration authorities must register residents who reside in their area of responsibility, in order to determine and prove their identity and residence. In order to fulfil their tasks, the registration authorities keep registers from which they can also provide information.
In accordance with the Federal Registration Act, every resident of the state capital of Dresden has the option of objecting to certain data transmissions or to only allow this with their explicit consent.

Residents are entitled to object to the disclosure of information to:

  • Political parties, associations of voters and nominated candidates in connection with elections for the purpose of canvassing;
  • Elected officials, the press or broadcasting services regarding birthdays or anniversaries;
  • Directory publishers for publishing address books;
  • A public religious community for information on a member of this religious community’s family members;
  • The Federal Office of Personnel Management of the Bundeswehr for the purpose of transmitting information material;
  • The registration authorities may only disclose information for the purposes of marketing and/or address trading with the consent of the parties concerned. 

The disclosure block for information on the Internet no longer applies. This simply limited the way in which information can be provided, but not the information itself.
Important: Existing disclosure blocks according to the Saxon Registration Act are assumed along the same lines and do not have to be declared again.
Objection or consent can be given in writing or in person at the registration authorities.

