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The nanotechnology and electronics of tomorrow

Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden

Flexible power stores developed by the cfaed for fire-fighters’ cooling vests
Flexible power stores developed by the cfaed for fire-fighters’ cooling vests

Whether it be chips from nanotubes, chemical calculators or futuristic electronics made from graphene, the scientists at the TU Dresden’s Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) are working on the nanoelectronics of tomorrow, focusing primarily on developing innovative materials and electronic components that will be able to be used to generate and store energy. One promising candidate here is the two-dimensional carbon material graphene, which is particularly suitable for use in composites, coatings, inks and batteries. The wonder material is being researched at the cfaed by the likes of Prof. Xinliang Feng and Prof. Gerhard Fettweis, who are considered leaders in their fields. Their work has already enabled a number of projects to be initiated and carried out in Dresden’s semiconductor cluster, making Dresden one of the leading hubs for basic electronics research.