Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 02.02.2024 12:38:44 Uhr 13.02.2025 03:49:40 Uhr |
Vocational training
Here you will find information concerning all aspects of vocational training. You can obtain information on the different options between school and work. Furthermore, funding options and advice centres are presented.
What options are there, and what services are offered?
Career guidance
Career guidance provides information on career choice options. Websites and contact points presenting to you the options between school and work and providing you with advice relating to this are described here.
The Dresden Federal Employment Agency's website contains information on career choice options. You will find the website here: is is a website of the Federal Employment Agency. A multitude of careers is presented in short films. Some of the films have English subtitles. You will find the website here:
The Career Information Centre [Berufsinformationszentrum] is the contact point for anybody wishing to obtain information on matters such as education, careers and the labour market. Career advice is also offered at the Career Information Centre. This also includes online searching for training places and jobs and drawing up application documents. There is a Career Information Centre in every Employment Agency [Agentur für Arbeit]. The Federal Employment Agency's website with information on the Career Information Centre can be found here:
Agentur für Arbeit Dresden
Henriette-Heber-Straße 6
01069 Dresden
The Dresden Youth Advice Centre [JugendBeratungsCenter Dresden] is an advice centre for adolescents and young adults up to the age of 25. It provides help with choosing a training place or a career and with finding a training place or a job. Adolescents with personal problems receive support. You will find further information here:
JugendBeratungsCenter Dresden
Budapester Straße 30 (in the Jobcenter building)
01069 Dresden
Catching up on a school-leaving qualification
In Dresden, you have multiple options for catching up on school-leaving qualifications or gaining a higher school-leaving qualification alongside your job.
Career preparation
Career preparation is intended to help adolescents and young adults to prepare for a training place. Various services are offered, ranging from traineeships to personal support. You will find here a website providing further information and guidance regarding which offices in Dresden offer such career preparation:
Volunteer services, jobs, traineeships
Volunteer services are activities that are performed mostly over a one-year period and help everyone. In this way you have the opportunity to bridge periods between school and training and obtain an insight into various careers. There are many different forms of volunteer services. Volunteer services may be performed in Germany as well as abroad. A website with information on the different forms of volunteer service can be found here:
Traineeships and side jobs offer a way of obtaining insight into careers unknown so far. A website with further information can be found here:
Opportunities abroad
There is the opportunity of spending time in a country abroad and doing traineeships, studying or gaining work experience there. A website with information on this can be found here:
Training and studying
To learn a profession, you need to complete training. There are different forms of training. They differ in terms of how much of the training takes place in class and how much in the form of practical work.
School education
In the case of school education, the learning takes place mainly in a school. You then learn practical work in multiple traineeships.
Dual training
Dual training, also referred to as workplace training, is a system of vocational training. Dual training takes place at two places, the workplace and the vocational college.
The website provides information on dual vocational training in 14 languages, including German, English, Spanish, French. You will find the website here:
The Assisted Training of the Employment Agency helps you before and during your vocational training:
A course of study is any academic training at an institution of higher education or a university. Dresden offers a multitude of courses of study. Detailed information for persons interested in studying can be found on the Federal Employment Agency's website at the following link:
Further services offered
The Career Start Fair [Messe KarriereStart] in Dresden offers young persons, every year, the opportunity to inform themselves about training and studying in the Dresden region. Universities, training establishments and companies present themselves, their work and their programmes offered. The City of Dresden's website with further information on the set date and previous fairs can be found here:
Funding and advice
The City of Dresden supports people attending a secondary comprehensive school, vocational college, technical college, technical secondary school or evening classes. This assistance is provided for in the German Federal Training Assistance Act [Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz]. The abbreviation is BAföG. Applications for financial assistance are dealt with by the department for training assistance [Sachgebiet Ausbildungsförderung]. The City of Dresden's website with further information and the contact details can be found here:
There are various funding options in the various career path phases. Examples of these are vocational training assistance, the placement budget, BAföG and other financial assistance.
In Dresden, there are various advice centres that provide information on career choices. Consultations where you can talk to people about your own interests, options and requirements are particularly suitable.
The employees of the Dresden Education Advice Service [Dresdner Bildungsberatung] provide free and neutral advice on careers and education at the locations of the Dresden Adult Education Centre [Volkshochschule Dresden]. Appointments can be arranged. The Adult Education Centre's website with further information can be found here:
In Dresden, there are various advice centres specially for adolescents and young adults. These also provide advice on school, career choices and training.
The Youth Migration Service [Jugendmigrationsdienst] is an advice centre that advises adolescents and young adults with a migration background on, among other things, issues relating to training, language support, school and recognition of certificates. The website and a flyer in German, Arabic, Dari, English, Russian and Tigrinya can be found here:
The websites of the City of Dresden and the Youth Information Server [Jugendinfoserver] contain a list of the various other advice centres that offer advice to all adolescents and young adults in Dresden. You will find the websites here:
Overview Support for the transition to vocational training and work
The following overview contains the offers in Dresden for advice, mediation, support, career orientation and application coaching for migrants on their way to vocational training and work. Here you will find all relevant information about the group of persons (residency status and age) and the specific offers with which migrants are supported.