Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 15.03.2021 11:50:04 Uhr 25.01.2025 07:38:35 Uhr |
Dreikönigskirche Church
The Dreikönigskirche was built between 1732 and 1739 by George Bähr and Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann. Its Neobaroque tower, which offers a splendid vista, was added approx. 100 years later. It has now been reconstructed and is used as a center for church meetings.
One part of the building is also used for church services. Inside the church, a torso of the Baroque altar by Benjamin Thomä recalls the night in 1945 when Dresden was destroyed by bombs. Below the organ loft you will see one of Dresden's most significant surviving Renaissance monuments. The 12.5-meter "Dresden Danse Macabre", created between 1534 and 1536 by Christoph Walter, was originally located at the old Georgentor Gate of Dresden Castle.Visitor address
An der Dreikönigskirche 12, 01097 Dresden
Interactive City Map
Local public transport
Tram Nos. 9 to Neustädter Markt