Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 27.12.2023 14:45:19 Uhr 18.02.2025 10:45:11 Uhr


Dresden’s reputation as a city of art has never been reliant solely on the great number of museums but to a high degree also on the active work of fine artists. The local galleries represent a wide range of artists and current trends of contemporary art. Art lovers and collectors find an excellent selection here, ranging from painting to graphic art, sculptural art and installation to video and photography. It is the shared concern of the Dresden galleries to show and promote modern art of the present day. The "Art quarter in the Baroque quarter" houses several galleries which present a wide variety of art styles.

Galleries focus on various aspects of art

The galleries of Ines Schulz and Lehman brothers, for example, place present-day art at the focus. Works by Dresden painters of the so-called "lost generation" (the turn-of-the-century German Expressionist generation), on the other hand, can be found in the Galerie Finkenstein. The Koenitz Art Shop presents works from the 16th-21st centuries with a focus on the Dresden, Leipzig and Berlin schools of painting.

The studio community Goldfish August is run by 4 artists in the fields of painting, graphics, sculpture and jewelry art. Visual art with a focus on graphics and drawing is presented by Holger John's gallery. Galerie Himmel presents insights into the lively art scene in numerous exhibitions and has an extensive assortment in the field of graphics.

Guided tours for people with limited vision or walking ability

Some galleries offer guided tours of their exhibitions for guests with limited vision or walking ability. These galleries show sculptures and paintings whose surfaces lend themselves especially well to exploration by the sense of touch (impasto, inclusion of quartz sand or float-and-set, material collages).

