Landeshauptstadt Dresden -

02.12.2022 12:27:25 Uhr

Museums in Dresden

Erich Kästner Museum

The Erich Kästner Museum has successfully implemented a new type of museum concept. The "mobile interactive micromuseum" is a piece of architecture, a work of art in itself and an everyday object that reflects the multifaceted personality and work of the world-famous author, cabaret artist, journalist and media personality Erich Kästner. In 1999, architect Ruairí OʼBrien designed the "walk-in treasure chest", a house-within-a-house that combines tradition and modernity and hands-on museum content with media technology. Visitors of all generations and cultures can playfully and independently explore the complex world of Kästner.  

Opening hours

SSun/Mon/Thu/Fri 10 am to 5 pm,Wed 12.30 to 5 pm, Wed 9 am to12.30 pm booked groups or by previous arrangement, Sat closed


Adults €5.00, reduced €3.00, family ticket €12.00, groups €6.00 per person, school classes €2.00 per person

Educational offers


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  • special exhibitions
Bild von Erich Kästner Museum
© Erich Kästner Museum