Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 04.05.2022 11:35:02 Uhr 27.07.2024 07:11:09 Uhr

European flagship project for sustainable urban development

Dresden on its way to becoming one of Europe’s leading Smart Cities

Within the European Smart City project "MAtchUP "*, Dresden will transform into a Smart City over the next few years. During the implementation process until 2022, the city - alongside Valencia (Spain) and Antalia (Turkey) - will be established as a so-called Lighthouse-City (pioneering city). The development concepts for a "Smart City" that were developed during the project period serve as models for the imitators, general followers cities Skopje (Dresden's twin city in Macedonia), Herzlia (Israel), Ostend (Belgium) and Kerava (Finland).


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MAtchUP Smart City presentation video

A Smart City combines human life with intelligent technologies to create more efficient, sustainable, cleaner and future-proof living spaces for citizens to meet the challenges of climate change. MAtchUP focuses in particular on energy efficiency, digitisation, electromobility and renewable energies.

The City of Dresden cooperates with institutions, companies and inhabitants under the leadership of the Office for Economic Development. The aim is to bring cities, industry and the citizens together to develop and implement solutions and business models that lead to measurable successes in energy and resource efficiency and in new markets.

Dresden was selected in the context of the Europe-wide competition "Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities". The European Commission supports transnational lighthouse projects. The consortium of the project, led by the city of Valencia, consists of 28 partners from eight different countries. For the years 2017 to 2022, the European Union is funding the project with a total of around 17.5 million euros. The Dresden partners account for around 4.5 million euros of this amount.

* MATCHUP stands for „MAximizing the UPscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies”


MAtchUP Office

Dr. Michael Anz
Business Development Office
Leader MAtchUP Office

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No. 774477.