Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 24.06.2024 16:15:29 Uhr 09.09.2024 14:59:58 Uhr |
Perfectly brewed: "Robot kitchen" meets celebrity chef
How will we learn in the future? And how will our working world change due to the increasing use of robots? These are questions that are being researched at TU Dresden in the Cluster of Excellence "Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop" (CeTI) in an interdisciplinary, socially relevant and, above all, tangible way. The opening of the "CeTIBAR" in the Barkhausen building was also a culinary highlight – thanks to the collaboration between a celebrity chef and robots!
On 15 April, so-called collaborative robots ("cobots") showed off their culinary skills at the opening of the "CeTIBAR": together with celebrity chef Benjamin Biedlingmaier, the machines helped to serve up a feast. While Biedlingmaier prepared the actual dishes, the cobots took on simple tasks such as plating, serving and decorating. This is by no means intended to replace human labour - on the contrary, as the celebrity chef emphasises: "The cobots take over repetitive tasks, leaving you more room for creativity. The idea behind it is not to replace the chef, but to support them in times of a shortage of skilled workers."
The modern facility of the Cluster of Excellence Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI) was opened in the presence of a high-ranking audience: Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer was joined by Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow and the Rector of TU Dresden, Prof Ursula M. Staudinger.
Of course, there is much more to the "CeTIBAR" in the Barkhausen Building of the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) than just a robot canteen. In particular, the focus is on robotics and the future of the tactile internet. The unique research lab is designed to bring the capabilities of collaborative robots to life and encourage researchers from all disciplines within the Cluster of Excellence to exchange ideas.
TUD Rector Prof Staudinger commented: "TUD's CeTI Cluster of Excellence is a pioneer and driver of innovation in the field of human-machine interaction. This research is of fundamental significance for the tech-assisted societal participation of all and the economic development of Dresden and Saxony." Doreen Böttcher, science communicator at the CeTI Cluster of Excellence, adds: "Here, at the heart of TUD's main campus, we will be able to promote dialog and awareness of new technologies. We want to inspire the next generation of innovators through interactive exhibits, workshops and lectures."